So a short while ago was the GW2 beta open weekend. I don't know how many of WDoW were involved but I have a few friends that were who all came back with a good response:)
I started as a human warr Stevious Deux... The character creation page was actually quite fun. A lot more involved than GW1, much more detailed, not only the physical looks and build but also the characters history and personality to an extent.
After this it was straight into battle against centaurs (never remembered them being so aggressive) and I soon discovered that my graphics card wasn't up to the idea and having to use keyboard as movement controls (totally alien to me since a long way back) meant I was going to have a hard time here.
Not disheartened I decided to try a ranged proffesion. More fun at the character creation page (had 3 free slots still) I decided to try one of the other 2 races available at the beta and go norn. Pirate Circus was always my ele so I stuck with the name but made a female Norn ele. Much easier to stay out of harms way with the ranged attacks so my sluggishness with controls and slow graphics didn't hinder me as much.
I did still suffer the graphics problems so I might have to invest some, but I managed to make headway through a few quests, events and stuff to make it to Lions Arch as a lvl 8 and have a good wander round:) Lol my keyboard controls had me falling in the water more than once, there are some tricky areas there so I guess I learned about swimming and underwater combat too:)
I also tried a Charr engineer for the experience, nice having 2 pistols was fun...
Anyone else has anything they wish to share about the betas or questions... please share...