Those in attendance for The Deep,
Stevious Deux
Juni Nerai
Killer Ranks
Evertoneo Monk
Olias, Livia and her twin sister, Vekk, Dunkoro, Jora, Ogden
First part was as hard as ever
, two teams wiped or half wiped, two teams through to the rescue. Clean up and regroup for the 5 way gate switch thingamy room. A little bit slow here, using heroes to stand on gate switches is always hard. Plus when the gates were opened I "might" have unflagged Livia meaning the gate closed again.
No one else can get through, I didn't have much support and fighting was a bit slow.
Finally done we advance to the no spells zone. Fine for me as warr cos I dont have any but everyone else had to wait by the entrance while I lured. Mostly ok til I went a little deep and got killed. Several rescue attempts later we regrouped, half wiped but overcame the outcasts.
All went pretty well after that, we got our team work back in order and no real incidents. Taking down Kahnaxai took unusually long though. we went for the careful approach taking out his allies first,
then more allies,
still more allies, sod this lets just kill him, which worked
Plenty of golds, a green axe for Killer, jadeite Sharrds all round. GJ all round.